Janus Perspective Fatih Uysal

25 January, 2022

The Covid-19 virus has impacted sectors and businesses around the world and it is still influencing society and markets. As a business we continue to navigate our way through this difficult situation with clear and quick thinking to enable us to meet the challenges of the industry.

Fatíh Uysal, chairperson


The Covid-19 virus has impacted sectors and businesses around the world and it is still influencing society and markets. As a business we continue to navigate our way through this difficult situation with clear and quick thinking to enable us to meet the challenges of the industry.


During this period, we focused on our sustainability-oriented investments and developing projects that create value for our business partners without impacting day-to-day business. Against all odds of global inflation, the semiconductor chip crisis affecting our industry, and particulaly in respect of burdensome procurement processes and increasing commodity prices, we continued to open new doors in Turkey and abroad.



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