Our Policies

Our visionary steps are always in pursuit of perfection…



Norm Holding aims to provide the necessary technical, financial and human support and minimize losses in order to ensure the continuity of safe and healthy working environments at every stage of raw material supply, production, transportation and other services.  With this in mind, with all our employees we pledge to;


  • Identify, prevent, reduce and eliminate the dangers that may cause occupational accidents and occupational illnesses and the risks arising from these hazards.
  • Maximize the awareness of sustainable occupational health and safety by evaluating risks and opportunities.
  • Encourage consultation and participation of employees or employee representatives in occupational health and safety studies and provide open communication channels.
  • Create a management system that is proactive and open to sustained improvement, in line with the occupational health and safety objectives.
  • Increase the awareness of all our employees, subcontractors and suppliers about occupational health and safety.
  • Make occupational health and safety part of a corporate culture and adopt it as a common responsibility of all personnel in order to create a safe and healthy working environment.




Each company within the body of Norm Holding aims to continuously develop with a resource and waste management system that will prevent environmental risks by applying the necessary technical advancements, in order to achieve sustainable environmental principles and targets in raw material processing and production stages.  With this in mind, we pledge to;


  • Reduce the amount of waste and emissions that may occur at each production and transportation stage, reduce our resource consumption with financial and technical support and work on recycling, and carry out recycling and/or disposal processes in a way that causes the least possible damage to the environment.
  • Manage energy resources and potential leaks.
  • Raise awareness of our employees about environment and waste management and to ensure their proactive participation.
  • Fulfill our legal compliance obligations and other obligations from our suppliers and customers, and conduct sustained enhancement studies for the continuation of our environmental sensitivity with our employees.
  • Try to prevent environmental pollution with permanent solutions,  reduce climate change and adapt. 
  • Ensure the protection of ecosystems by giving importance to the use of sustainable resources.
  • Give importance to the creation of the necessary infrastructure to spread our sensitivity towards the environment in various social responsibility projects.
  • Comply with the Integrated Management System specified in the Integrated Management System Handbook and provide the necessary resources for the optimal functioning of this system.




At every stage of raw material processing and production, Norm Holding pledges to; 


  • Fulfill our legal compliance obligations and requirements of the relevant parties regarding energy efficiency, energy use and consumption. 
  • Use primary and secondary energy sources efficiently in all our activities, opt for renewable/alternative energy sources as much as possible, evaluate energy waste and manage potential leaks.
  • Follow the technological advancements in the national and international platforms, establish our energy norms for purchasing equipment and services containing energy efficient technologies and methods.
  • Prioritize energy efficiency in new investments and improvement projects.
  • Increase the awareness of all our employees, subcontractors and suppliers regarding energy efficiency, energy use and consumption, and to carry out efforts to increase our energy efficiency.
  • Ensure the availability of necessary information and resources for the continuous improvement of the energy performance/targets and the Energy Management System.




As Norm Holding, in order to provide a production and service approach focused on customer and employee satisfaction;


  • Ensuring that the Quality Management System is understood, implemented and maintained by all levels of the Norm companies,
  • Improving the quality management system continuously by preventing errors before they occur and taking necessary precautions to avoid repeated errors with a risk-focused approach and zero error philosophy,
  • Providing full and accurate service to our customers by fulfilling all their applicable needs within the frame of customer special requests,
  • Following the technological advancements about fasteners closely and continuing education of our employees,
  • Aiming to improve continuously along with our supplier firms in order to provide full and accurate service to our customers and working with supplier firms that have this vision, 


has been determined as our quality policy. 







Our goal as Norm Holding is;


  • To determine, document, allocate resources and continuously improve the policies and standards of our information security management system in a way that fulfills the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard,
  • To ensure compliance with all legal regulations and agreements regarding information security,
  • To ensure the identification of risks to business processes and their systematic management,
  • To provide trainings that will develop technical and behavioral competencies in order to increase information security awareness,
  • To ensure that the organization’s core and supporting business activities continue with minimal disruption,
  • To maintain and improve the trustworthiness of the organization by protecting the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of assets,
  • ​​To manage the security violations that our institution encounters and ensure that punitive sanctions are applied when necessary,

And by managing these efforts in an integrated and efficient manner together with the other management systems we apply, we work with all our strength to become an exemplary  organization in the fastener sector in terms of information security.




As Norm Holding;


  • Our organization collects and processes personal data in compliance with the laws of Turkey and European Union Member States in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life.
  • All of our personal data processing activities are within the scope of our policy. These include the processing of personal and sensitive personal data of customers, employees, suppliers and business partners, and any data collected and processed by our organization from any source.
  • Our organization takes the necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security in order to prevent the unlawful processing of the personal data it processes, prevent illegal access to the data and ensure the preservation of the data, and in this context it makes the necessary audits done or have them done by a third party. 
  • Our organization engages in personal data processing activities in a connected, limited and measured manner,  in accordance with the law and the rules of honesty, truthfully and, when necessary, with up-to-date, specific, clear and legitimate purposes. 
  • Our organization retains personal data for as long as required by law or for the purpose of processing personal data.
  • Our organization enlightens the personal data owners and provides the necessary information when the personal data owners requests.
  • Our organization acts in accordance with the regulations stipulated in terms of the processing of sensitive personal data and does not carry out any acts or activities without express consent, except for the cases expressly stipulated in the laws.
  • Our organization conducts itself by acting in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the law regarding the transfer of personal data.
  • In our organization, we continue our efforts for the protection of personal data with goals that can be monitored, measured and evaluated.
  • Our organization raises awareness regarding the protection of personal data of parties involved in internal and external dealings and conveys its related obligations.
  • Our organization carries out training programs to develop technical and behavioral competencies in order to increase awareness of the protection of Personal Data.
  • Our organization manages personal data violations, evaluates the incidents according to the disciplinary procedures and immediately informs the board officials about offenses and violations.
  • Our organization constantly monitors the confidentiality, integrity, up-to-dateness of personal data as well as the access authorizations to personal data with process-based asset inventory and process-based risk assessment.
  • Our organization is committed to the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Management System, its systematic management, continuous improvement of the system and allocating the resources needed by the system.


Respectfully Submitted. 




As Norm Holding, we had identified our corporate culture elements in Harmony workshop. To be a strong, high quality, successful and always targeting continuous improvement company, we are aware that our most valuable resource is people and environment.


Our Corporate Social Responsibilities include all of our employees and business partners. Within the framework of these rules, it is our first duty to show respect to all our employees, business partners and customers and to establish a professional work environment.


We embrace the principles of compliance with legal regulations, respecting personal rights, equality, honesty, environmental awareness and fair competition as our corporate responsibility.


Forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, harassment, violence, insult, discrimination (nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, language, marital status, physical or mental disability, political orientation), corruption, bribery, blackmail, abuse, personal /corporate information confidentiality violation and conflict of interest issues are against our Norm Holding principles and forbidden. In case of any detection, our notification and guidance line, which can be reached by all our employees and business partners; We have an Ethics Committee and its working principles are defined in the “Norm Holding Ethical Rules Operations Policy.
(Mail : normholding@etikhat.com.tr ; Phone : 444 3845 )


For further information about our code of conduct policy please click.

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